Alle vores erhvervstæpper opfylder BREEAM-kriteriet hvad angår VOC-udledning, eftersom alle vores erhvervstæpper er Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold-certificeret*.

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) er en frivillig certificeringsordning for miljørigtigt byggeri. Ordningen blev udviklet i Storbritannien i 1990 og drives af BRE (Building Research Establishment).

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*Guidance Note GN22 (se side 5)

BREEAM is a registered trade mark of the Building Research Establishment Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BRE Group Limited, and is used by permission. Fletco Carpets A/S and its products are not affiliated, endorsed or certified by BRE Global Limited, which is the operator of BREEAM, or any other subsidiary of BRE Group Limited. All rights are reserved.